FAPro HOKS-030 Full Time Housewife I Sell, Miho Yui


Length: 01:25:16

Actor: Miho Yui

Studio: FA Professional

Launch: June 03,2019


heyzo 無 修正 Osawa Akari was in alone on this planet, Haven lastly got here. It was a husband, Tatsuya and encounters. Hit the misfortune that the 2 grew to become a pair and lived a modest life, however falls ailing is that Guruji subarachnoid hemorrhage. Below the choice bewildering Akari. It was the previous father-in-law as soon as in a 別tta, Shuichi’s to go. Akari reluctantly to request for medical bills, Shuichi put situations and…天涯孤独の身であった大沢明里に、ようやく訪れた安息。それは夫、達也との出会いであった。二人は夫婦となり、慎ましい暮らしを送っていたが、ある日達也がくも膜下出血で倒れてしまうという不幸が襲う。途方に暮れる明里が下した決断…。それは、かつて袂を別った義父、修一の元に行くことだった。不本意ながらも医療費の無心をする明里に、修一が出した条件とは…。
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Actors: FA Pro