Length: 01:01:17
Actor: Emi Sakurai
Studio: HEYZO
Launch: August 03,2020
Emi was married and had a contented life. Below such circumstances, a person who as soon as had an obscene affair out of the blue seems. Emi, who cannot resist the person’s command, falls into love affair once more as she is advised. The person who was known as the “grasp” intimidated Emi, and devoured Emi’s limbs. Emi who steadily remembers the pleasure of outdated affair sucks on a person’s cock. Emi grew to become a pleasing sensation that it could not accumulate even after being deeply throated. Emi, drowned in pleasure, didn’t resist the calls for of the escalating man, leaving her physique. .. ..
結婚して幸せな生活をおくっていたえみ。そんなえみのもとにかつて卑猥な情事をくりかえしていた男が突然、現れる。男の命令に逆らえないえみは、言われるがままに再び情事におぼれていく。かつて「ご主人様」とよんでいた男は威圧的にえみに迫り、えみの肢体を貪り喰う。徐々に昔の情事の快感を思い出してきたえみは男のチ●ポにしゃぶりつく。イラマチオされてもそれが溜まらない快感となったえみ。快楽に溺れてしまったえみは、エスカレートする男の要求に逆らえず、体を預けるのであった。。。 Full movies HD