Length: 00:38:45
Actor: Winter Jade
Studio: Porn HD
Launch: October 14,2019
I like to be barefoot. I seen for some time now that my new stepdad has been checking me out with particular consideration to my toes. I like to put my toes up on the desk however he acts like he doesn’t prefer it saying it’s disrespectful, blah blah blah. However I do know, I can simply inform, that he would like to suck on my attractive toes and lick my comfortable soles. So one night when my mother wasn’t dwelling and we had been watching a film collectively, I put my legs and toes up on his lap. I watched him get more and more uncomfortable since my toes had been touching his crotch and his boner was rising. It wasn’t too exhausting to persuade him to place my attractive toes and toes in his mouth. He licked and sucked my fairly toes and pink pedicured toes till I couldn’t resist any longer. I felt an urge to gag on his cock so I unleashed his dick and gave him a messy blowjob so it might be good and juicy for a slutty footjob. He bent me over, fucked me, and watched my attractive toes shaking as I used to be cumming throughout his huge exhausting cock. He turned me round and pounded my little pussy whereas he was gagging on my toes as I attempted to stuff my entire foot in his mouth. He got here throughout my attractive toes. I by no means imagined cum on toes can look so scorching. It undoubtedly received’t be the final time I’ve slutty foot intercourse with my stepdad.
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