Duration: 04:04:10
Studio: Prestige AV
Release: April 08,2019
セックス 動画 Recorded masterpiece carefully recorded review ☆ 4.5 or higher! Deliver the silliness of model beautiful women of high stature and glamorous body! Body line, etc. of glossy beauty ass weave captivating and handsome facial features and ample bust off a conspicuous color, beautiful woman who embodies the ultimate ‘beauty’ is step into the new world of pleasure …. First out the video 240 minutes of impact beautiful woman six Japanese away the perfect body is attractive! !レビュー☆4.5以上を記録した名作を厳選収録!高身長&グラマラスボディのモデル美女たちの痴態をお届け!異彩を放つ端正な顔立ちや豊満なバストと艶やかな美尻が織り成す魅惑のボディライン等、究極の‘美’を体現する美女たちは新たな快楽の世界に踏み入れる…。日本人離れしたパーフェクトボディの美女6名が魅せる衝撃の初出し映像240分!!