Tokyo-Hot n0659 Ameri Ichinose Superb Body Sink


Duration: 01:33:03

Actor: Ameri Ichinose

Studio: Tokyo-Hot

Release: August 17,2017


A perfect style model · Ichinose Ameri. A long leg to a half-looking face that anyone’s eye catches. CM appearance, including magazine gravure, etc. Currently it is the newcomer who is expected to be the most active. In the future it will become a worldwide actress and it’s a lonely word. It is a super nice wife who is in a completely different world from the funny guys. However, the height of pride hurt. Let a woman who thinks that only you are great by a cock sanction. A series of cum shot cum shot is bursting! Amelie is sunk by a total of 24 large amount semen. It fell down to the lowest urinal model as well as waste scraps. Amelie is cocky and selfish. The reputation of the staff in the field is bad. Furious when it takes too much time for CM shooting this day too. Scold the manager. Tolerance of the manager to the limit for the selfish self who exceeded the limit. Amelie is directly pressed down and caressed in bust. It is necessary for a woman who stops getting rid of herself to acquire obedience by insulting. Amelie who has been undressed costly is resistant but also deep kissed. Immediately afterwards when feeling that the crotch gully is irritated, gradually raise a lovely pant voice. And the panties are stripped off and the beautiful man is exposed. Immediately afterwards I am cunnily and I am in agony. Subsequently the cock is pushed into the mouth. While taking a bad face, politely pacifier. It turned out to be a considerable cock. Was selfish in the workplace merely frustrating? Immediately afterwards it gets fucked in the back. Reverse woman on top posture, woman on top posture. Listen to obscene sounds and pant voice from the binding part and the staff gather. Ameli is stuck in the normal position while being seen by the staff. Immediately after live cum shot. The surrounding staff were excited. Push down the Ameri to Matt and touch the whole body. Ameli is seriously disliked by the men who do not understand the translation for the first time on this day. However, without cheating, the cock is screwed one after another. Pistol with gorillor at the normal position will repeat live vaginal cum shot and a total of six semen will be poured continuously. From this day onwards Ameli will decide to sell out as a CM model specializing in physical entertainment. But Amelie is not told. CM shooting at a later date. Immediately after shooting, Amelie is touched by the president of the sponsor. To say not to listen to resist but also to force deep kiss and open leg pose. A stain has already been in the panties! It looks like she was waiting for a caress even though it was high. Then you are taken out of panties and gnuni. After being licked persistently, it is a finger man and panting. Subsequently, the rotor is pushed into the vaginal cavity, and the chest is also stimulated at the same time. I got agitated and moved raging hard by moving my back very hard. Immediately afterwards a vibrator is thrust into the pussy and it is stirred. Furthermore, love juice spouted out. And if you try to resist desperately desperately pushing an electric gang, it pounds and it gets caught.
完璧スタイルのモデル・一ノ瀬アメリ。誰の目も引くハーフっぽい顔立ちに長い脚。雑誌グラビアを始めCM出演等今最も活躍期待の新人です。将来は世界的な女優になると豪語。キモい男達とは全く別世界にいる超一流のイイ女です。しかしプライドの高さが災いしました。自分だけが偉いと思っているどうしようもない女はチンポ制裁でおとなしくしてもらいましょう。キモ集団の連続中出しが炸裂!合計24発の大量ザーメンでアメリは撃沈。ゴミ屑同然の最下等便器モデルに成り下がりました。 アメリは生意気でわがままな性格。現場のスタッフ達の評判は悪い。この日もCM撮影に時間が掛かり過ぎると激怒。マネージャーを叱り飛ばす。限度を超したわがままぶりにマネージャーの我慢も限界に。アメリは直に押さえ付けられバストを愛撫される。お高くとまった女は陵辱して従順さを身に付けさせる必要がある。衣装を脱がされたアメリは抵抗するもディープキスされる。直後股間をグリグリされると感じ始め徐々に可愛らしい喘ぎ声を上げる。そしてパンティを剥ぎ取られ美マンが露わに。直後クンニされ悶絶。 続いて口内にチンポを押し込まれる。嫌な顔をしつつも丁寧におしゃぶり。相当なチンポ好きと判明。現場でのわがままは単に欲求不満だったのか。直後バックでハメられる。背面騎乗位、騎乗位。結合部分からの卑猥な音と喘ぎ声を聞きつけスタッフ達が集まる。アメリはスタッフ達に視カンされつつ正常位で突きまくられる。直後生中出し。周りのスタッフ達は興奮。アメリをマットに押し倒し全身を触りまくる。この日初めて会った訳の分からない男達に弄くられアメリは本気で嫌がる。しかし容赦無く次々とチンポを捩じ込まれる。正常位でゴリゴリとピストンされては生中出しを繰り返され連続で合計6発のザーメンを注ぎ込まれる。 この日を境にアメリは肉体接待専門のCMモデルとして売り出される事が決まる。しかしアメリには知らされず。後日CM撮影。アメリは撮影終了直後スポンサーの社長に身体を触られる。聞いていないと言って抵抗するも無理矢理ディープキスされ開脚ポーズ。パンティには既にシミが!お高くとまっていても愛撫を待っていた様子だ。そしてパンティを脱がされクンニされる。しつこくクリを舐められた後指マンされ喘ぐ。続いてローターを膣穴に押し込まれ同時にクリも刺激される。腰を激しく動かして悶絶し暴れてイッてしまう。直後マンコにバイブを突き入れられ掻き回される。さらに愛液が噴出。そして電マを押し当てられ必死に抵抗を試みるも喘ぎまくってイッてしまう。

Actors: Ameri Ichinose